Intense - Job Board HTML5 Website Template

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Created: Jun 20, 2016

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

ID: 58884

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Intense - Job Board HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 1Intense - Job Board HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 2Intense - Job Board HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 3Intense - Job Board HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 4Intense - Job Board HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 5Intense - Job Board HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 6Intense - Job Board HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 7Intense - Job Board HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 8Intense - Job Board HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 9

Modern Job Board HTML5 Website Template

A job board HTML5 website template provides a wide range of useful tools for website development. Nowadays, any job search portal needs to have a properly designed website. With a well-established website, you can promote your services easily. However, building a website from scratch isn't always simple. Also, it requires a professional approach and that's why many organizations hire web developers.

Still, creating a well-designed site is possible without spending a lot of money. When you want to save on web development, using HTML5 website template is recommended. Such solutions are affordable and easy to use. Moreover, due to the integrated Bootstrap 5 framework, these solutions are highly responsive and easy to maintain. If you are looking for such a solution to fit your job board website, we have a template just for you.

Feature-Rich HTML5 Solution for Job Search Website

The Intense job board HTML5 website template offers clean & corporate design suitable for modern job search portals. This solution comes with a spacious layout. It is suited for various types of content. From text to images and videos, this template handles anything quite well. Also, it is a part of the Intense template family. The latter offers a variety of child themes and templates at a single & affordable price. This makes Intense a great choice for any website. As for this HTML5 solution, it also features:

  1. W3C valid coding;
  2. SEO-ready layout;
  3. Google Maps & Google Fonts;
  4. SCSS & Pug source files;
  5. Cross-browser support.

Aside from the abovementioned benefits, the job board HTML5 website template offers a lot more. For example, it features a well-designed navigation menu. With a detailed header & footer, the menu allows your customers to quickly find what they need. The integrated job search form can help your visitors find any vacancy they need. And with the help of sliders, you can freely post your customers' feedback and testimonials.

Multipage HTML5 Template with a Variety of Content

Any job search website needs to be content-rich. That's why we made the Intense job board HTML5 website template multipage. It includes a variety of ready-made pages for your website. For example, the template provides space for posting vacancies submitted by employers. Also, the website visitors can view new and updated vacancies on the Find a Job page. Website users can also add a resume or learn more about your website. This is possible thanks to the Resume and About Us pages. You can also post news and updates via the Blog page.

If you want to know more about our HTML template, feel free to read its documentation. It describes how to install and use our HTML5 properly. Moreover, the documentation answers a wide range of common questions about the HTML5 solutions we provide. But if you need additional assistance, our support team is always glad to help you. We also recommend checking out our template catalog with hundreds of solutions for your future website.


Intense Job Board Version 1.2 (August 31, 2021):

  • UPD: Bootstrap to 5.0.1;
  • UPD: Popper.js to 2.9.2;
  • UPD: jQuery to 3.6.0;
  • UPD: jQuery migrate to 3.3.2;
  • UPD: Owl Carousel to 2.3.4;
  • FIX: Script js;
  • FIX: CSS styles;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Job Board Version 1.1 (August 30, 2018):

  • ADD: Material Parallax;
  • UPD: Bootstrap from v3 to v4.1.1;
  • UPD: jQuery to v3.2.1;
  • UPD: jQuery Migrate to v3.0.0;
  • UPD: jQuery easing to v1.4.0;
  • UPD: RD Navbar to v2.2.5;
  • DEL: RD Parallax;
  • FIX: Other minor bug fixes;

12 Reviews for this product

Якщо шаблон зроблений професійно, то і сайт за його допомогою виглядає професійно. Будь-якої тематики. Ми зробили з нього сайт компанії з сертифікації медичних та хіміко-технологічних виробів.
A great template. There was no iphone compability for the dropdownmenus, but the tech department got it sorted out after a couple of days. A couple of extra templage pages would have been cool, but it is already good to start with. Happy customer here.
Good job !!! Very easy to integrate ! J'ai beaucoup apprécier
Well built with a ton of flexibility and a ton of pre built css classes. I really like it.
es muy efectiva y practica, se puede modificar con facilidad a tus necesidades

2 Comments for this product

Hi there, I have a job board theme in wordpress and i want to make it from scratch, the same website. And i was thinking if is a good idea to move it to this framework and programming from start + add some extra features + 3 languages. Can you help me with this? Or what you suggest?
Hello Alphaomega. Thank you for question. Employment Responsive Web Template is aimed for a job portal where you can search for vacancies or employees for your own company with the help of additional scripts and modules. You can also join our live chat at to get immediate assistance. Thank you.
Można zmienić kolor? Tak żeby zamiast zielonego przeważał niebieski?
Hello Mateucz. Thank you forquestion. Yes, you could change the color scheme of the template for your needs with the help of the following tutorial: Have a nice day!

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